When individuals are arrested, often they and their families often are not familiar with bail bonds procedures to get out of jail. The following are answers to questions our customers at ABC Bail Bonds Agency frequently ask.

Bail is the amount of money the judge sets to allow a person to get out of jail before an arraignment or preliminary hearing. Whether the judge sets bail is based on:

  • Type and Seriousness of the Charges
  • Prior Failures to Appear
  • Criminal Record
  • Community Connections
  • The Probability the Defendant will Appear in Court

The most common types of bail releases are as follows:

  • Cash Bail
  • Surety Bond
  • Property Bond
  • Own Recognizance
  • Partially Secured

A Surety Bond is a promise to be liable for the debt, default, or failure of another. It is a three-party contract by which one party (the surety) guarantees the performance or obligations of a second party (the principal) to a third party (the obligee).

A Bail Bond is a Surety Bond that is guaranteed by a state-licensed Bail Bondsman who is backed by an insurance company. The Bail Agent guarantees the court full payment of the bond if you fail to appear for scheduled court appearances.

While each state sets non-negotiable bond rates, in New York State, the cost of a bail bond is based on a sliding scale that ranges from six percent (6%) to ten percent (10%). The cost for a Bond between $1,000 and $3,000, for example, is 10% of the bond amount. Depending on the size of the bond, the fee may be as low as six percent (6%) for large bond amounts.

Payment is Required Prior to Posting a Bail Bond.

We understand that the unexpected cost of a Bail Bond is more than the amount of cash most people typically have on hand. Our agents are creative, flexible, and experienced in solving problematic situations. We offer free and confidential consultations to work with you to find your best options.

We accept cash, cashier’s checks, and all major credit cards. We also offer various payment options and plans to help you, or your family obtain a Bail Bond.

Yes, you may pay the jail directly. For a defendant to be released on cash bail, you must post the full amount of the bail with the court in the form of cash or cashier’s check. It is important to check with the bail clerk to verify forms of payment the jail will accept for a cash bond because options and restrictions
may vary from one court jurisdiction to another. For large bail amounts, you may expect that the source of funds will have to be verified to ensure that the money is coming from legal sources.

We specialize in arraignment cases where you can pre-arrange bail so that your loved one can be released from court right after being arraigned.

Call us on (718) 468-2663 or (212) 608-6200.

Our team will ask for information about the defendant’s situation to determine the risk involved in the Bond and begin the Bond approval process.
Once the Bail Bond is approved, you will need to sign the Bail Bond documents, i.e., an application, indemnity agreement, promissory note, and confession of judgment.

After the paperwork is finalized and payment has been made, a Licensed Bondsman will post the bail bond at the jail.

Note: Procedures will differ from State to State. In New York, Bail Bond Agents must go before a magistrate to get a bond approved, while in New Jersey, for example, the Bond Agent goes to the bond clerk at the jail.

Call us on (718) 468-2663 or (212) 608-6200. Our agents will provide free consultation to explain the process for a Transfer Bond. You may also schedule an in-person visit to our New City office.

Once you have signed the required Bail Bond documents, our insurance company will arrange for an Agent to post the Bond at the jail where the defendant is being held.

Bail Bond Collateral is something of value used to secure your debt obligation and ensure payment, such as cash, real estate, or other items of value.

Documentation will be required for all collateral, such as a deed or title to a property (home, land, etc.). Jewelry, Certificates of Deposit, 401Ks, Stock Options, or savings account.

As collateral, ABC Bail Bonds Agency accepts real property nationwide as well as Puerto Rico, and Dominican Republic.

When the defendant’s case has been completed and all financial obligations are satisfied, Bail Bond collateral is returned to you.

Important Update: Changes in Queens County Bail Process

Dear community,

Recently, changes to the bond posting process in Queens County have started to impact families and individuals seeking timely releases. At ABC Bail Bonds NYC, we are committed to helping our community overcome these challenges. 

How We’re Taking Action

  • Collaboration with Local Authorities: We’re engaging with key stakeholders to address these changes and advocate for smoother, more efficient processes.
  • Providing Ongoing Support: Our team is available to assist families and individuals affected by these new developments.
  • Listening to You: Your feedback is invaluable as we work toward a solution that benefits the entire Queens County community.

What You Can Do
If you or someone you know has been impacted by these changes, we encourage you to reach out. Share your story, ask questions, and let us know how we can help.

Call Now for Immediate Assistance: (718) 468-2663